The wind blows, The sail goes down and everything begins...
Hello to all.
This is my first post here so let me introduce myself and explain why I am here.
So let's start from the begining. Ever since I can remember I had a dream of sailing around the world. As a boy I would daydream about the adventures of the great Portuguese sailors and their discoveries, and also, the adventures of the pirates that passed on the TV. During the years that followed this dream acompanied me but I never learned to sail.
So here I am, I want to fufill my dream of sailling and owing a boat and maybe one day to navigate trough all Oceans around the world. Let's see. But one step at a time. I have enrolled in a class to learn sailing in a cruiser. I will start my classes in Octouber this year. This will be my first sailing experience and I hope to learn the basics of the sailling.
After learning the basics lets see what happens. For now I am happy that I gave the fisrt tiny step into sailing.
This is my first post here so let me introduce myself and explain why I am here.
So let's start from the begining. Ever since I can remember I had a dream of sailing around the world. As a boy I would daydream about the adventures of the great Portuguese sailors and their discoveries, and also, the adventures of the pirates that passed on the TV. During the years that followed this dream acompanied me but I never learned to sail.
So here I am, I want to fufill my dream of sailling and owing a boat and maybe one day to navigate trough all Oceans around the world. Let's see. But one step at a time. I have enrolled in a class to learn sailing in a cruiser. I will start my classes in Octouber this year. This will be my first sailing experience and I hope to learn the basics of the sailling.
After learning the basics lets see what happens. For now I am happy that I gave the fisrt tiny step into sailing.
At 8:06 am ,
DRei said...
Está lindo!!!! Adorei! Todos os posts! Obrigada por partilhares seres tão verdadeiro e simples no que dizes, e por o partilhares.
Bjos grandes
At 5:13 pm ,
nf0 said...
Ahoy there skipper! :) Que belo começo espero que seja para continuares a escrever. Um abraço.
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